Co-create one million jobs for women in rural India
We provide Indian social enterprises and government institutions with pro bono business consulting so they can scale.

So that we unleash the full potential of all women in rural India
The impact we achieved
Indian social enterprise partners
Indian government institutions
Sustainable jobs for women created
Children to (a better) school, spared from malnutrition
Figures per March 31 2024

Ruchi Jain
Founder and CEO
at Taru Naturals
Working with Women of Wings has been nothing short of a miracle. We have become a positive, healthy and well-rounded business. We are growing towards scaling with our ‘why’ fixed as a foundation, a pricing strategy, cleaned up finance, and a communications action plan. Jobs for women have increased by 10%.
Where we work

We consult with our social enterprise and government institution partners throughout India – from the northern mountains in Tripuradevi to Nagapattinam in the south, and from Bhuj to Imphal.
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one million jobs for women in rural India
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