On the evening of Tuesday April 23, the 3rd edition of the NRC Green Theater was held at the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. Part of the evening was devoted to the Green Entrepreneur’s Pitch, during which Maria van der Heijden presented the approach being taken by Women on Wings.
One of the four best entries
Out of the 61 initiatives submitted by social and sustainable businesses, four entrepreneurs were chosen to present their pitch at the Schouwburg. The panel of judges was headed by Professor Jan Jonker of Radboud University who is currently conducting research into new business models. In the end, the prize was awarded to FLOOW2 with a full page article in the NRC Handelsblad newspaper.
Leave your car at home
Not only were the entrepreneur’s pitches presented during the Green Theater, but also excellent examples of conservation, such as the Low Car Diet initiative. For ten days, several CEOs left their cars at home and took the train or public transport bicycle to work or car shared. Although it wasn’t always easy, say the two CEO’s at Desso and NUON, it did have an effect on the rest of the company. “When you’re the boss, the others don’t listen to what you say but do watch what you do”, explains NUON’s Huib Morelisse.