Women on Wings is a huge community of people in which we share work efforts and energy of hundreds of people to create 1 million jobs for women in rural India. The community in itself is an energy hub full of sparkling people. Every day there is someone who gives me a boost of energy and make my day.
Today my hero is Monique. This morning she sent me a mail. She is an entrepreneur in technical products. Her products are sold in Europe and made in Vietnam. At the moment she works with 58 people in Vietnam. She is re-defining her strategic goals and she is inspired by the goal of Women on Wings. At the end she knows that money is not the ultimate goal for people, also not in her firm. She is creating a new goal related to the number of jobs for women in Vietnam. How awesome!
Yesterday my hero was Jozef. Jozef is an expert in marketing and market research. He is retired and offered us his time and knowledge. This very wise and experienced guy came to us at the right moment. We just started a research in India on branches which have a large potential in jobs for women in rural India. We work together with 3 universities on this topic and Jozef could be the perfect person to guide us all in the right direction.
Just 2 examples of my heroes of these days. Everyone can be a hero. In the end business is all about people.