How many minds can realize one common goal

When we received the briefing from Adrianne to facilitate a 2-days workshop ‘Making periods normal’, including specific result expectations, we instinctively knew this is going to be a challenge. And it was!

Getting to know our audience
In order to get a good picture of the 20 participants we first attended the second day of the ‘Making periods normal’ coordination meeting, led and supported by Simavi and Women on Wings representing the Dutch partners involved. The Indian alliance was represented by Sewa Bharat, Restless Development, Dharma Life, Pratham and BVHA. The latter being the host of the venue in Patna, Bihar.

Sharing knowledge
The ultimate goal of the workshop was to create more trust and commitment amongst the partners so they would collaborate better and share knowledge during the remaining of the program. The first day the focus was on personal and team behavior. By doing some interactive exercises they experienced that a team is more successful and achieve its goals if all members of the team are successful. Especially the ‘card game’ was a real eye opener for everybody and… great fun! The purpose of the second day was to find out their individual team goals and how they could link them to achieve the common goal of the ‘Making periods normal’ program.

Individuals become a team
We as facilitators of this workshop, also got a lot of energy watching the individual team presentations answering the one million rupee question ‘What do you need from whom to achieve your team goal’. All 5 teams were very specific in their presentation, asked commitment and got it.

So yes, it was very challenging. But starting with 20 individuals and ending up with 5 parties acting as one team willing to realize one common goal really gives us the confidence they are really going to accomplish it.

Carolijn & José
Bihar 7-9 October 2015
