Women on Wings welcomes two new social enterprises in Bengaluru

Bengaluru, in the south west of India, is also known as the Silicon Valley of India, thanks to its huge IT industry. It is India’s fastest growing city, but despite that, many people in villages still miss out on the economic growth acceleration witnessed in the area till now. Women on Wings explored the area with success and welcomes two new, Bengaluru-based partners.

Social mission and doing business
Ronald van het Hof, joint MD at Women on Wings: “We’re very pleased to welcoming Greenkraft and Pro Nature. These social enterprises both work with a social mission, believing that empowering women artisans and farmers changes societies. Next to the focus on women-centric activities, both partners also work for a better environment. Greenkraft uses natural fibers for its home products and Pro Nature only works with organic produce. They fit perfectly in the Women on Wings approach.”

Bangalore Greenkraft Producer Company Ltd (Greenkraft) produces furniture and home decoration products which are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. They are made from natural fibres, such as banana leaves. The products are sold in around 100 stores across India and exported to a number of countries. Global retailer IKEA is one of its customers. Greenkraft, a key initiative of Industree Foundation, enables local female artisans to unite in so called self-help groups (SHG) and gain access to markets that would otherwise remain inaccessible to them. A number of Greenkraft’s SHG’s are shareholders of the social enterprise and thus involved in the running of the organization.

Pro Nature
Pro Nature Organic Foods Private Limited (Pro Nature) its vision is to be the foremost to market certified organic food. It is on a mission to make organic food the food of choice for health-conscious and environment-conscious consumers and to make it easily available through a sound distribution network. Next to that, Pro Nature is committed to encourage and help farmers to go organic, thereby building and sustaining a better environment. For this, Pro Nature constantly strives to create a market for certified organic products such that organic farmers get a fair premium for their produce. Pro Nature is also committed to supporting micro-enterprises especially that of women entrepreneurs.

Foto @IKEA