Women on Wings and the L’Oréal Fund for Women sign partnership

Women on Wings and the L’Oréal Fund for Women are excited to announce that they have entered a partnership to co-create work and income for women in rural India. The L’Oréal Fund for Women will support Women on Wings in its work with women entrepreneurship initiatives of state governments in rural India. These programs aim at accelerating their growth and by doing so creating more jobs for women.

About the L’Oréal Fund for Women

L’Oréal, historically committed to supporting women, launched the L’Oréal Fund for Women in 2020. The three-year charitable endowment of 50 million euros supports grassroots associations and organizations in their efforts to help women exit poverty. It also prevents domestic/sexual violence against women and support survivors. Particular attention is paid to projects helping women with multiple vulnerabilities, especially refugees and those with disabilities.

Beyond emergency aid, the L’Oréal Fund for Women focuses on supporting women and girls’ empowerment. Particularly by supporting projects in favor of social and professional integration and overcoming obstacles to access to education.

Partnership to accelerate growth in jobs for women

Shilpa Mittal Singh, joint Managing Director of Women on Wings: “We are thrilled to welcome the L’Oréal Fund for Women as a partner. The Fund goes the extra mile to empower women. Over the past years it has helped many women around the world to gain access to education, find work and integrate into society. The support of the L’Oréal Fund for Women will truly strengthen our constant endeavor to move families in rural India out of poverty through the economic development of women.”

Commitment to empower women

Many women in rural India are still in an economically disadvantaged position. They often suffer from a lack of education, unequal property rights and limited control over resources. Employment can make a huge change for women and their families. Research shows that employment has a positive impact on household income. It also has impact on the influence women have on economic decisions.

When women control additional income, they spend more of it than men on food, health, clothing, and education for their children. It is thé way to break the cycle of poverty. Next to that, an income increases women’s self-esteem, self-pride, and self-worth. Thanks to its partnership with Women on Wings, the L’Oréal Fund for Women contributes to empowering women in rural India.

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