Many social enterprises struggle with bottlenecks in the production process.
To circumvent and improve efficiency, Bhoomgaadi founder, Akash Badave, and his team in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. wanted to streamline their inventory information across five storage points as well as their processing and packaging units in various locations. They also wanted to cut product-shipping lead times and have a stronger handle on real-time data points across various functions.
Women on Wings business consultant Chanakya Mehta and supply chain expert Germaine van Teeffelen began a series of online sessions with the Bhoomgaadi team to get inputs and clarity on their process needs.
Working on improvements
An on-site visit with the Bhoomgaadi team to their storage, processing and packaging units in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh gave further insights to everyone. Then, over two productive days of discussions, Germaine and the Bhoomgaadi team focused on identifying gaps and found areas for improvements in:
- ways for the team to adhere to documentation + reconciliation processes
- lead-time shortening
- taking regular inventories
- communication within the team over various locations
Also, to ensure smooth, efficient operations Bhoomgaadi wanted to explore an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for one-stop management versus a variety of formats to process Bhoomgaadi’s business systems. We discussed a suitable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that will be the repository for day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance and supply chain operations.
About Bhoomgaadi
Bhoomgaadi has been doing the amazing job of organizing tribal women, small and marginal farmers from remote villages, to gain collective bargaining power and scale in the market. They procure more than 30 types of non-chemically treated produce from the farmers including various indigenous grain varieties, spices and forest produce.
All so that they may further scale and create more livelihoods, Women on Wings has consulted and mentored with Bhoomgaadi on business planning, finance, sales strategy and now process optimization since 2022.
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