Professional network of experts
Vacancy: AI consulting expert for social enterprises
Women on Wings is currently seeking a pro bono AI consultant to join as an expert that supports Indian social entrepreneurs who create work for women in rural areas. View the AI consulting position to find more information.
As a Women on Wings expert you offer pro bono business consulting and mentoring to Indian social enterprises and state government institutions with ambition to scale so they may generate jobs for women living in rural India.
The business experts that you see below are based in India and the Netherlands. They are consummate professionals with 10-15+ years of work experience in a wide range of expertise, e.g. marketing, finance, product development, production, HR, social media, retail and supply chain management.
Every plan or action is co-created by you, the business partner and its team in onsite workshops and online sessions. At the end of the day, the business partner has final responsibility for any plan or action co-created.
Eight reasons to become an expert
Read eight reasons people become a Women on Wings expert. You will find that co-creating plans with passionate and inspiring social entrepreneurs who work to improve their communities, will most likely make you look differently at your own work and life.

Queen Máxima
Queen of the Netherlands
“Women on Wings starts where others normally stop; sharing knowledge and skills is just as important as micro-finance.”
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